I was trolling the forums on Etsy and came across a very fun artist named Trudy. She has the cutest avatar, a cat in a bunny costume. She was looking for someone to do some promotion for her. She is an artist and wants to spend her time painting, not selling!!! Which I can completely understand. So, I told her you go paint, I will sell your wares. I have to promote my own shop, why not promote someone else while I am at it. So, here is the deal, You guys go visit her shop and if you buy something, type ART5 in the message to seller and you will get 5% off your purchase!!! And she will know that I sent you to her shop!!!
Okay, so what is sooooo great about Trudy's art??? Well, several things. I love her colors. Bright and beautiful. She lives on an island in Florida and is surrounded with beautiful color all day everyday. She also has a very fun sense of humor and uses great quotes in some of her work.
What style of art is it? well, I consider it to be in the naive style, often referred to as primitive. An example would be Henri Rousseau's art. here is the wiki definition for it:
The term naïve art is often seen as outsider art which is without a formal training or degree. While this was true before the twentieth century, there are now academies for naïve art. Naïve art is now a fully recognized art genre, represented in art galleries worldwide.The characteristics of naïve art are an awkward relationship to the formal qualities of painting. Difficulties with drawing and perspective that result in a charmingly awkward and often refreshing vision, strong use of pattern, unrefined color, and simplicity rather than subtlety are all supposed markers of naïve art. It has, however, become such a popular and recognizable style that many examples could be called pseudo-naïve.Whereas naïve art ideally describes the work of an artist who did not receive formal education in an art school or academy, for example Henri Rousseau or Alfred Wallis, 'pseudo naïve' or 'faux naïve' art describes the work of an artist working in a more imitative or self-conscious mode and whose work can be seen as more imitative than original."Primitive art" is another term often applied to art by those without formal training, but is historically more often applied to work from certain cultures that have been judged socially or technologically "primitive" by Western academia, such as Native American, subsaharan African or Pacific Island art (see Tribal art). This is distinguished from the self-conscious, "primitive" inspired movement primitivism. Another term related to (but not completely synonymous with) naïve art is folk art.
Okay, so what is sooooo great about Trudy's art??? Well, several things. I love her colors. Bright and beautiful. She lives on an island in Florida and is surrounded with beautiful color all day everyday. She also has a very fun sense of humor and uses great quotes in some of her work.
What style of art is it? well, I consider it to be in the naive style, often referred to as primitive. An example would be Henri Rousseau's art. here is the wiki definition for it:
The term naïve art is often seen as outsider art which is without a formal training or degree. While this was true before the twentieth century, there are now academies for naïve art. Naïve art is now a fully recognized art genre, represented in art galleries worldwide.The characteristics of naïve art are an awkward relationship to the formal qualities of painting. Difficulties with drawing and perspective that result in a charmingly awkward and often refreshing vision, strong use of pattern, unrefined color, and simplicity rather than subtlety are all supposed markers of naïve art. It has, however, become such a popular and recognizable style that many examples could be called pseudo-naïve.Whereas naïve art ideally describes the work of an artist who did not receive formal education in an art school or academy, for example Henri Rousseau or Alfred Wallis, 'pseudo naïve' or 'faux naïve' art describes the work of an artist working in a more imitative or self-conscious mode and whose work can be seen as more imitative than original."Primitive art" is another term often applied to art by those without formal training, but is historically more often applied to work from certain cultures that have been judged socially or technologically "primitive" by Western academia, such as Native American, subsaharan African or Pacific Island art (see Tribal art). This is distinguished from the self-conscious, "primitive" inspired movement primitivism. Another term related to (but not completely synonymous with) naïve art is folk art.
Awwwwww ya big flirt..Thank you. I never knew what style I painted in until you informed me. I love it. I absolutely love you for doing this for me. So quit reading this and get to work. lol You are amazing woman. I just want to paint and sip pina collatas on the deck. (After painting!) Everyday I see another color that I add to my pallet. Thanks so much Sharon.
heyyyyyy, you better pour me a pina colada!!! GO PAINT!!!!!
I love your art work Trudy! Its amazing!!!
Trudy is amazing any way you look at it! She is brillant with her art.
thanks for the comments!
I love Trudy's art...so fun and full of color! Her art makes me happy!
Here's wishing a million sales for you.
Trudz is the best.
What a neat idea! I already know Trudy is awesome, and Sharon, you sound awesome too, so I am sure this partnership will work out very nicely for both of you! All the best and ((((hugs))))
I LOVE the sunflower - It fits perfectly the personality of its maker! =)
What a great feature with a great lady! The first painting is hilarious, I had to read it a couple of times, then laughed out loud at it, too funny! And of course, I love the sunflower, it's so fun and sunny and happy...nowadays, whenever I see a sunflower I think of Trudy!
Wow! Well, my goodness..Thanks everyone. Send Money..Ha
Really..I am touched and blushing and I never blush. Maybe it is because I really butchered the word Colada...ha
love the artwork! Especially the ones with the ladies...
Awesome blog and gorgeous, humble layout!! Love it!!
Definitally following.
Know the art scene with
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