I have become a twitter junky. It is for bloggers with heavy duty A.D.D. You are only allowed 140 characters at a time. How wonderful is that for us who have no attention span for more than a sentence????? So, here I am on twitter: www.twitter.com/flirtbuttons and I totally welcome everyone to follow me on Twitter. It is very fun. For all you Etsians out there looking for views, Twitter is the place to be. If I post a listing from my site, I am guaranteed 8 or more views in less than 8 minutes, every time. It works!!! I like it a lot more than the forums on Etsy. It is faster paced and more intriguing. Go Tweet people, I'll meet you there!!!!
and don't forget to take a look at my shop. I list new items every week of my life. I have squirrels and elephants now too!!!!
Thanks for the advice. I've been hearing so much about Twitter, but still don't really know much about it. I was going to look into it, but I already do so much online, do I really need to do yet one more. However, if you really think it positively affects your views, I guess I really should look into it.
I did a test last night on a pocket mirror I made for someone else, she sells on etsy. My goal was 8 views in 8 minutes, I got 18 views in 8 minutes. so it definitely works. I think it is fun too!!!!
Twitter is a great marketing tool, I got some sales from there ^_^
My twitter is http://twitter.com/LeelaBijou
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